Data Sources
Below is a collection of modules that are responsible for binding variable data sources with the Access Layer. Data source modules can bind a logical resource in read and write mode and abstract access to file system, database and queuing infrastructures and more.
- API: Is the shared API layer that defines what datasources can be defined and how they are accessed. Modules that want to provide a new datasource to the system implement at least one of the offered interfaces.
API Implementations
- SQL Database Bindings:
- JPA Datasource: Implements generic database bindings using the JPA technology (= 99% of all DB related code).
- MSSQL Datasource: Implements DB specific bindings to the main GRID DB of the type MSSQL.
- HSQL Datasource: Implements DB specific bindings to a HSQL database which is used during unit tests or in environments where no full-blown SQL server is required.
- Others Bindings:
- CIFS Datasource: Implements the file content storage system using connected CIFS (SMB) servers or the local filesystem.
- MSMQ Datasource: Implements the sending of processing requests to the MSQM message bus.
- Trivial Datasource: Offers functional but trivial implementations for some datasource interfaces. In particular implementations are offered for categorization and report logging.
- Interceptors / Filters:
- Cache Datasource: Implements a cache filter datasource that is capable of caching results of other datasources (= 3rd level distributed cache).
- Binary Changelog Datasource: Implements a datasource that logs all received processing results inside a binary change log (ZIP based format).
- Dummy Datasource: Implements a dummy service that can be used to satisfy dependencies for any un-implemented methods or when the access layer is used inside a test environment without any database.