Interface SelectorAware

public interface SelectorAware

Defines a interface to be used by classes that depend on selectors.

Note: This interface may be implemented by spring beans that require a repository selectors. The implementation behind RepositorySelectorsRepository will take care to call refreshSelectors(RepositorySelectorsRepository) on every spring bean implemting the interface, whenever needed (which may be outside of the normal spring lifecycle).

Using this class solves potential timing issues or circular references that would arrise when selectors are defined as normal dependencies.

juergen_kellerer, 2010-05-07

Method Summary
 void refreshSelectors(RepositorySelectorsRepository selectorsRepository)
          Is called to initially set or refresh the cached selector instances.

Method Detail


void refreshSelectors(RepositorySelectorsRepository selectorsRepository)
Is called to initially set or refresh the cached selector instances.

selectorsRepository - A repository of all repositoryselectors that exist.