Uses of Interface

Packages that use Repository
com.trendmicro.grid.acl.ds Defines datasource interfaces that act as an abstraction layer between frontend related services (web services, visual presentation) and backend related services that implement the interfaces. 

Uses of Repository in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.ds

Classes in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.ds with type parameters of type Repository
 class RepositorySelector<R extends Repository>
          Is a helper class used to maintain the selection of an active repository.

Subinterfaces of Repository in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.ds
 interface CategoryRepository
          Defines a readonly repositories for views.
 interface CategoryViewRepository
          Defines a readonly repositories for views.
 interface FileContentRepository
          Defines an abstraction layer on top of a physical repository of files.
 interface FileProvider
          Defines a readonly repository that provides information on files.
 interface JobRepository
          Defines a repository that manages the processing Jobs inside the GRID.
 interface PackageFamilyRepository
          Defines a repository for package family entries.
 interface PackageProvider
          Defines a readonly repository that provides information on packages.
 interface ProcessingInitiator
          Implements an interface to an initiator for processing jobs.
 interface ProcessingResultReceiver
          Implements an interface to a receiver for processing results.
 interface ReportReceiver
          Defines the receiver interface for reports.
 interface SourceDomainRepository
          Defines a repository of the domains form sources.
 interface SourceRepository
          Defines a repository of sources for content stored inside the GRID.
 interface VendorRepository
          Defines a repository for vendors.

Methods in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.ds with type parameters of type Repository
<R extends Repository>
RepositoriesContext.getRepository(Class<R> repositoryClass)
          Returns the selected repository implementation for the given repository interface.
<R extends Repository>
RepositorySelectorsRepository.getSelector(Class<R> repositoryClass)
          Returns a repository selector for the given class.
<R extends Repository>
RepositorySelectors.getSelector(Class<R> repositoryClass)
          Returns a repository selector for the given class.
<R extends Repository>
RepositoriesContext.getSelector(Class<R> repositoryClass)
          Returns a repository selector for the given class.
<R extends Repository>
RepositorySelectors.getSelector(String repositoryClass)
          Returns a repository selector for the given class.