Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthenticationException
com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0 ENTRY POINT: Defines all "level-0" frontend GRID interfaces and implementations for SOAP & REST services. 

Uses of AuthenticationException in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0

Subclasses of AuthenticationException in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0
 class InsufficientRightsException
          Defines the exception to throw if the logged in user has insufficient privileges.
 class NotAuthenticatedException
          Is thrown if the current user is not authenticated.

Methods in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0 that throw AuthenticationException
 URL ProcessingService.assignContentToProcessSource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier)
          Returns a public reachable transfer URL that may be used to upload (HTTP-PUT) the binary content of the source.
 void ProcessingService.assignExistingContentToProcessSource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier, FileIdentifier contentIdentifier)
          Allows to assign content that is known to exist already inside the GRID avoiding any new uploads.
 SourceIdentifier ProcessingService.assignProcessSource(UUID jobId, URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Adds or updates the remote source with the given Metadata, assigns it to a single processing job and returns the source identifier which may be used to upload source content if required.
 URL ProcessingService.assignProcessSourceWithContent(UUID jobId, FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Adds or updates the remote source with the given Metadata, assigns it to a single processing job and directly returns an upload URL if GRID does not yet know the content.
 void ProcessingService.cancelPerparedJob(UUID jobId)
          Cancells the given job if it is still in prepared state.
 UUID ProcessingService.cloneAndStartJob(UUID originalJobId)
          Clones the given job and starts the clone.
 SourceIdentifier SourceService.createIdentifierForURL(URI remoteSourceURL)
          Creates a plain identifier for the given URL.
 SourceIdentifier SourceService.createSource(URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Creates a new remote source with the given values.
 SourceIdentifier SourceService.createTemporarySource(URI internalSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Creates a new internal temporary source with the given values.
 void ProcessingService.enforceStartJob(UUID jobId)
          Starts a prepared processing job after preparation was finished.
 List<Source> ProcessingService.getAssignedSources(UUID jobId)
          Retrieves all sources that are currently assigned to the given job.
 List<String> CacheControlService.getCacheClusterNodeAddressList()
          Returns a list of addresses of the machines that are part of the cache cluster.
 List<String> CacheControlService.getCacheIdentifiers()
          Returns a list of all cache identifiers using the format cacheName@cacheContext.
 List<CacheInformation> CacheControlService.getCacheInformationList()
          Returns a list of cache information instances for all caches that are used by the ACL node.
 CategoryView PublicCategoryService.getCategoryView(String locale, String viewName)
 CategoryView PublicCategoryRestService.getCategoryView(String locale, String viewName)
 List<String> PublicCategoryService.getCategoryViewNames(String locale, String targetIdentifier)
          Returns the names of available category views,
 NameList PublicCategoryRestService.getCategoryViewNames(String locale, String targetIdentifier)
          Returns the names of available category views,
 List<CategoryView> PublicCategoryService.getCategoryViews(String locale, BatchCollection<String> viewNames)
          Returns the category views for the given view names.
 CacheInformation CacheControlService.getCombinedCacheInformation()
          Returns a single cache information instance that contains the combined information on all caches.
 List<Category> PublicCategoryService.getDeclaredCategories()
          Returns all declared, plain categories (without any view or child relationship and without any locale related filtering).
 FileDetails PublicFileService.getFileDetails(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the file details for the given file.
 FileDetails FileService.getFileDetails(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the file details for the given file.
 FileDetails PublicFileRestService.getFileDetails(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the file information (containing info and attached metadata) on the specified file.
 FileDetails PublicFileRestService.getFileDetails(String sha1Hash, String md5Hash)
          Returns the file details (containing info and attached metadata) on the specified file.
 Collection<FileDetails> PublicFileService.getFileDetailsList(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the file details list for the given files.
 Collection<FileDetails> FileService.getFileDetailsList(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the file details list for the given files.
 FileInformation PublicFileService.getFileInformation(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the file information for the given file.
 FileInformation PublicFileRestService.getFileInformation(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the file information (containing last modified and tags) on the specified file.
 FileInformation PublicFileRestService.getFileInformation(String sha1Hash, String md5Hash)
          Returns the file information (containing last modified and tags) on the specified file.
 Collection<FileInformation> PublicFileService.getFileInformationList(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the file information list for the given files.
 NamedFileIdentifierListPage PublicPackageService.getFilesContainedInPackageById(FileIdentifier packageFile, int pageNumber)
          Returns the ids of all files contained inside the given package.
 NamedFileIdentifierListPage PublicPackageRestService.getFilesContainedInPackageById(String sha1OrMd5Hash, int pageNumber)
          Returns the ids of all files contained inside the given package.
 NamedFileIdentifierListPage PublicPackageService.getFilesContainedInPackageByName(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the ids of all files contained inside the given package.
 NamedFileIdentifierListPage PublicPackageRestService.getFilesContainedInPackageByName(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the ids of all files contained inside the given package.
 FileIdentiferListPage SourceService.getFilesReferencedBySource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier, int pageNumber)
          Returns the identifiers of all files that are referenced by the specified source.
 FileIdentiferListPage PublicFileService.getFilesTaggedWith(String[] tags, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known files that are tagged with the given list of tags.
 Job ProcessingService.getJob(UUID job)
          Returns the read & writable information on a job, identified by its id.
 JobDetails ProcessingService.getJobDetails(UUID job)
          Returns the detailed information on a job, identified by its id.
 Collection<Job> ProcessingService.getJobs(Collection<UUID> jobIds)
          Returns the read & writable information on the jobs, identified by their ids.
 UUIDListPage ProcessingService.getJobsInState(Job.State jobState, int pageNumber)
          Returns a paged list of jobs that are in the given state.
 UUIDListPage ProcessingService.getJobsInStateAndRange(Job.State jobState, DaysRange lastUpdatedRange, int pageNumber)
          Returns a paged list of jobs that are in the given state and were last updated within the given range.
 Collection<Job.State> ProcessingService.getJobStates(Collection<UUID> jobIds)
          Returns the states of the jobs, identified by their ids.
 List<String> CacheControlService.getLocalClusterNodeAddressList()
          Returns the addresses of the local machine that is part of the cache cluster.
 FileIdentiferListPage PublicFileService.getMatchingFiles(String tagExpression, String tagExpressionVersion, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known files that are matched by the given tag expression.
 FileIdentiferListPage PublicFileService.getMatchingFilesInRange(String tagExpression, String tagExpressionVersion, Range range, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known files that are matched by the given tag expression and are in the given range.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getMatchingPackageNames(int pageNumber, String tagExpression, String tagExpressionVersion)
          Returns all known packages that are matched by the given tag expression.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getMatchingPackageNames(String tagExpression, String tagExpressionVersion, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known packages that are matched by the given tag expression.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getMatchingPackageNamesInRange(String tagExpression, String tagExpressionVersion, Range range, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known packages that are matched by the given tag expression and are in the given range.
 PackageDetails PublicPackageService.getPackageDetailsById(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the package details on the given package file id.
 PackageDetails PackageService.getPackageDetailsById(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the package details on the given package file id.
 PackageDetails PublicPackageRestService.getPackageDetailsById(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the package details of the given package.
 PackageDetails PublicPackageService.getPackageDetailsByName(String packageName)
          Returns the package details on the given package name.
 PackageDetails PublicPackageRestService.getPackageDetailsByName(String packageName)
          Returns the package details of the given package.
 PackageDetails PackageService.getPackageDetailsByName(String packageName)
          Returns the package details on the given package name.
 Collection<PackageDetails> PublicPackageService.getPackageDetailsListById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the package details on the given package file ids.
 Collection<PackageDetails> PackageService.getPackageDetailsListById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the package details on the given package file ids.
 Collection<PackageDetails> PublicPackageService.getPackageDetailsListByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the package details on the given package names.
 Collection<PackageDetails> PackageService.getPackageDetailsListByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the package details on the given package names.
 String PublicPackageRestService.getPackageDisplayName(String packageName)
          Returns the displayname for the given reference name.
 Collection<String> PublicPackageService.getPackageDisplayNames(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the displaynames for the given reference names.
 PackageFamily PublicPackageService.getPackageFamily(String basename)
          Returns the package family on the given basename.
 PackageFamily PackageService.getPackageFamily(String basename)
          Returns the package family on the given basename.
 String PublicPackageRestService.getPackageFamilyDisplayName(String packageFamilyName)
          Returns the displayname for the given reference name.
 Collection<String> PublicPackageService.getPackageFamilyDisplayNames(BatchCollection<String> packageFamilyNames)
          Returns the displaynames for the given reference names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackageFamilyNames(int pageNumber)
          Returns all known package family names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackageFamilyNames(int pageNumber)
          Returns all known package family names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackageFamilyNamesForVendor(String vendorName, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known package family names for the given vendor.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackageFamilyNamesForVendor(String vendorName, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known package family names for the given vendor.
 Collection<FileIdentifier> PublicPackageService.getPackageFileIdentifiersByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the file ID of the file that is associated with the given package.
 PackageInformation PublicPackageService.getPackageInformationById(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns the package information of the given package.
 PackageInformation PublicPackageRestService.getPackageInformationById(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the package information of the given package.
 PackageInformation PublicPackageService.getPackageInformationByName(String packageName)
          Returns the package information of the given package.
 PackageInformation PublicPackageRestService.getPackageInformationByName(String packageName)
          Returns the package information of the given package.
 Collection<PackageInformation> PublicPackageService.getPackageInformationListById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns the package information list of the given packages.
 Collection<PackageInformation> PublicPackageService.getPackageInformationListByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the package information list of the given packages.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackageNamesInFamily(String packageFamilyName, int pageNumber)
          Returns all package names that are members of the given package family.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackageNamesInFamily(String packageFamilyName, int pageNumber)
          Returns all package names that are members of the given package family.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackageNamesTaggedWith(int pageNumber, List<String> tags)
          Returns all known files that are tagged with the given list of tags.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackageNamesTaggedWith(String[] tags, int pageNumber)
          Returns all known package names that are tagged with the given list of tags.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackagesContainedInPackageById(FileIdentifier packageFile, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages contained inside the given package.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackagesContainedInPackageById(String sha1OrMd5Hash, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages contained inside the given package.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getPackagesContainedInPackageByName(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages contained inside the given package.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getPackagesContainedInPackageByName(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages contained inside the given package.
 NameListPage SourceService.getPackagesReferencedBySource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier, int pageNumber)
          Returns all package names that are referenced by the specified source.
 List<Category> PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategories(String locale)
          Returns all plain categories (without any view or child relationship).
 CategoryList PublicCategoryRestService.getPlainCategories(String locale)
          Returns all plain categories (without any view or child relationship).
 Category PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategory(String locale, String categoryName)
          Returns the plain category information (without any view or child relationship).
 Category PublicCategoryRestService.getPlainCategory(String locale, String categoryName)
          Returns the plain category information (without any view or child relationship).
 FileIdentiferListPage PublicCategoryService.getReferencedFiles(String categoryName, int pageNumber)
          Is a shorthand for PublicFileService.getMatchingFiles(String, String, int) used with the expressions returned from PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategory(String, String).
 FileIdentiferListPage PublicCategoryService.getReferencedFilesInRange(String categoryName, Range range, int pageNumber)
          Is a shorthand for PublicFileService.getMatchingFilesInRange(String, String, Range, int) used with the expressions returned from PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategory(String, String).
 NameListPage PublicCategoryService.getReferencedPackageNames(String categoryName, int pageNumber)
          Is a shorthand for PublicPackageService.getMatchingPackageNames(String, String, int) used with the expressions returned from PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategory(String, String).
 NameListPage PublicCategoryService.getReferencedPackageNamesInRange(String categoryName, Range range, int pageNumber)
          Is a shorthand for PublicPackageService.getMatchingPackageNamesInRange(String, String, Range, int) used with the expressions returned from PublicCategoryService.getPlainCategory(String, String).
 NameList PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnFile(FileIdentifier fileIdentifier)
          Returns the category names that reference this identifier.
 NameList PublicCategoryRestService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnFile(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the names of the categories that the given file belongs to.
 List<NameList> PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnFileInformationList(BatchCollection<FileInformation> informationList)
          Returns the category names that reference this file information list.
 List<NameList> PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnFiles(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> fileIdentifiers)
          Returns the category names that reference these identifiers.
 NameList PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackageById(FileIdentifier fileIdentifier)
          Returns the category names that reference this package selected by its file identifier.
 NameList PublicCategoryRestService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackageById(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Returns the names of the categories that the given package file belongs to.
 NameList PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackageByName(String packageName)
          Returns the category names that reference this package selected by its name.
 NameList PublicCategoryRestService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackageByName(String packageName)
          Returns the names of the categories that the given package file belongs to.
 List<NameList> PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackageInformationList(BatchCollection<PackageInformation> informationList)
          Returns the category names that reference this package information list.
 List<NameList> PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackagesById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> fileIdentifiers)
          Returns the category names that reference these packages selected by their file identifiers.
 List<NameList> PublicCategoryService.getReferencingCategoryNamesOnPackagesByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames)
          Returns the category names that reference these packages selected by their names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getReferencingPackageNames(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages that reference the given package directly.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getReferencingPackageNames(String packageName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages that reference the given package directly.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getReferencingPackageNamesById(FileIdentifier file, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages that reference the given file directly.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getReferencingPackageNamesById(String sha1OrMd5Hash, int pageNumber)
          Returns the names of all packages that reference the given file directly.
 SourceIdentiferListPage SourceService.getReferencingSources(FileIdentifier file, int pageNumber)
          Returns the source identifiers of all sources that are known for the given file.
 URL FileRequestService.getRemoteTransferURL(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns a transfer URL for the given file that allows access to the file from remote.
 List<URL> FileRequestService.getRemoteTransferURLs(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Returns a list of remotely accessible transfer URLs for the given files.
 UUIDListPage ProcessingService.getRunningJobs(int pageNumber)
          Returns a paged list of running jobs.
 Source SourceService.getSource(SourceIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the source for the given source identifier.
 SourceDomain SourceService.getSourceDomain(String domainName)
          Returns the stored domain information on the given domain name.
 SourceDomain SourceService.getSourceDomainForURL(URI sourceURL)
          Returns the stored domain information on the given URL.
 SourceDomainListPage SourceService.getSourceDomains(int pageNumber)
          Returns the a list of all stored domains.
 Source SourceService.getSourceForURL(URI remoteSourceURL)
          Returns the source for the given remote URL.
 SourceInformation SourceService.getSourceInformation(SourceIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the lightweight source-information for the given source identifier.
 SourceInformation SourceService.getSourceInformationForURL(URI remoteSourceURL)
          Returns the lightweight source-information for the given remote URL.
 Collection<SourceInformation> SourceService.getSourceInformationList(BatchCollection<SourceIdentifier> identifiers)
          Returns the lightweight source-information list for the given source identifiers.
 Collection<Source> SourceService.getSources(BatchCollection<SourceIdentifier> identifiers)
          Returns the sources for the given source identifier.
 SourceIdentiferListPage SourceService.getSourcesOfDomain(String domainName, int pageNumber)
          Returns the source identifiers of all sources that belong to a certain domain.
 SourceIdentiferListPage SourceService.getSourcesOfDomainInRange(String domainName, DaysRange lastModifiedRange, int pageNumber)
          Returns the source identifiers of all sources that belong to a certain domain and were last modified in a specifeid time range.
 Vendor PublicPackageService.getVendor(String name)
          Returns the vendor information for the given vendor name.
 Vendor PackageService.getVendor(String name)
          Returns the vendor information for the given vendor name.
 String PublicPackageRestService.getVendorDisplayName(String vendorName)
          Returns the displayname for the given reference name.
 Collection<String> PublicPackageService.getVendorDisplayNames(BatchCollection<String> vendorNames)
          Returns the displaynames for the given reference names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageService.getVendorNames(int pageNumber)
          Returns all known vendor names.
 NameListPage PublicPackageRestService.getVendorNames(int pageNumber)
          Returns all known vendor names.
 void CacheControlService.invalidate(String cacheContext, String cacheName)
          Invalidates (clears) the named cache and does NOT wait for the operation to succeed.
 void CacheControlService.invalidateAll()
          Invalidates (clears) the all caches and does NOT wait for the operation to succeed.
 void CacheControlService.invalidateAllAndWait()
          Invalidates (clears) the all caches and waits for the operation to succeed.
 void CacheControlService.invalidateAndWait(String cacheContext, String cacheName)
          Invalidates (clears) the named cache and waits for the operation to succeed.
 boolean PublicFileService.isFileKnown(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns true if the GRID database knows (contains) the given file.
 IsTrueResult PublicFileService.isFileKnownGood(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns 'Yes' if the GRID database knows that the file is good.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFileKnownGood(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is known to be good.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFileKnownGood(String sha1Hash, String md5Hash)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is known to be good.
 IsTrueResult PublicFileService.isFilePureWhite(FileIdentifier file)
          Returns 'Yes' if the GRID database knows that the file is good and not included in the high risk category.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFilePureWhite(String sha1OrMd5Hash)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is known to be good and not included in the high risk category.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFilePureWhite(String sha1Hash, String md5Hash)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is known to be good and not included in the high risk category.
 Collection<Boolean> PublicFileService.isFilesKnown(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Implements a batch query for PublicFileService.isFileKnown(FileIdentifier).
 Collection<IsTrueResult> PublicFileService.isFilesKnownGood(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Implements a batch query for PublicFileService.isFileKnownGood(FileIdentifier).
 Collection<IsTrueResult> PublicFileService.isFilesPureWhite(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files)
          Implements a batch query for PublicFileService.isFilePureWhite(FileIdentifier).
 Collection<Boolean> PublicFileService.isFilesTaggedWith(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicFileService.isFilesTaggedWithAll(BatchCollection, String[]) instead.
 Collection<IsTrueResult> PublicFileService.isFilesTaggedWithAll(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given files are tagged with the specified tags.
 Boolean PublicFileService.isFileTaggedWith(FileIdentifier file, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicFileService.isFileTaggedWithAll(FileIdentifier, String[]) instead.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFileTaggedWith(String sha1OrMd5Hash, List<String> tags)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is tagged with a set of tags.
 String PublicFileRestService.isFileTaggedWith(String sha1Hash, String md5Hash, List<String> tags)
          Allows to query the GRID whether a file is tagged with a set of tags.
 IsTrueResult PublicFileService.isFileTaggedWithAll(FileIdentifier file, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given file is tagged with the specified tags.
 Collection<IsTrueResult> PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithAllById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given packages are tagged with the specified tags.
 Collection<IsTrueResult> PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithAllByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given packages are tagged with the specified tags.
 Collection<Boolean> PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithById(BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithAllById(BatchCollection, String[]) instead.
 Collection<Boolean> PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithByName(BatchCollection<String> packageNames, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicPackageService.isPackagesTaggedWithAllByName(BatchCollection, String[]) instead.
 IsTrueResult PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithAllById(FileIdentifier file, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given package is tagged with the specified tags.
 IsTrueResult PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithAllByName(String packageName, String[] tags)
          Returns 'Yes' if the given package is tagged with the specified tags.
 Boolean PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithById(FileIdentifier file, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithAllById(FileIdentifier, String[]) instead.
 String PublicPackageRestService.isPackageTaggedWithById(String sha1OrMd5Hash, List<String> tags)
          Returns true if the given package is tagged with the specified tags.
 String PublicPackageRestService.isPackageTaggedWithByName(String packageName, List<String> tags)
          Returns true if the given package is tagged with the specified tags.
 Boolean PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithByName(String packageName, String[] tags)
          Deprecated. Please use PublicPackageService.isPackageTaggedWithAllByName(String, String[]) instead.
 UUID ProcessingService.prepareJob()
          Prepares a new processing job and returns the job's GUID.
 UUID ProcessingService.prepareSubJob(UUID parentJobId)
          Prepares a new processing job and returns the job's GUID.
 void PublicReportService.sendFileReport(FileReport fileReport)
          Allows to send a single file report to the grid.
 void PublicReportService.sendFileReports(BatchCollection<FileReport> fileReports)
          Allows to send a collection of file reports to the grid.
 void ProcessingService.setJobPriority(UUID jobId, int jobPriority)
          Sets the priority of a prepared job.
 void ProcessingService.startJob(UUID jobId)
          Starts a prepared processing job after preparation was finished.
 UUID ProcessingService.startReprocessingJob(FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, boolean assignAllExistingSources, int jobPriority)
          Initiates a reprocessing job on the given file and returns the job GUID for monitoring the progress.
 UUID ProcessingService.startReprocessingJobWithSources(FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, Collection<SourceIdentifier> selectedSourceIdentifiers, int jobPriority)
          Initiates a reprocessing job on the given file and returns the job GUID for monitoring the progress.
 void ProcessingService.storeProcessingResultsAndFinalizeJobs(Collection<ProcessPackageDataSet> processingResults)
          Receives a collection of final processing results, stores them inside the GRID CoreDB and performs the final update on the assigned jobs.
 void ProcessingService.updateJob(Job job)
          Updates the given job inside the persistent store (= the database)
 void SourceService.updateSource(SourceInformation sourceInformation, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Updates the source with the given Metadata without requiring to trigger a process.
 void SourceService.updateSourceDomain(SourceDomain domain)
          Updates the given domain information inside the persitence store.