Uses of Class

Packages that use IllegalRequestException
com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0 ENTRY POINT: Defines all "level-0" frontend GRID interfaces and implementations for SOAP & REST services. 

Uses of IllegalRequestException in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0

Methods in com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0 that throw IllegalRequestException
 URL ProcessingService.assignContentToProcessSource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier)
          Returns a public reachable transfer URL that may be used to upload (HTTP-PUT) the binary content of the source.
 void ProcessingService.assignExistingContentToProcessSource(SourceIdentifier sourceIdentifier, FileIdentifier contentIdentifier)
          Allows to assign content that is known to exist already inside the GRID avoiding any new uploads.
 SourceIdentifier ProcessingService.assignProcessSource(UUID jobId, URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Adds or updates the remote source with the given Metadata, assigns it to a single processing job and returns the source identifier which may be used to upload source content if required.
 URL ProcessingService.assignProcessSourceWithContent(UUID jobId, FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Adds or updates the remote source with the given Metadata, assigns it to a single processing job and directly returns an upload URL if GRID does not yet know the content.
 boolean PublicAuthenticationService.authenticate(String username, String password)
          Authenticates the user's session using password auth.
 UUID PublicAuthenticationService.authenticateAndGetApiKey(String username, char[] password, Set<String> requiredRoles)
          Combines authentication and api key retrieval into a single call to avoid that a caller needs to keep track of the session.
 void ProcessingService.cancelPerparedJob(UUID jobId)
          Cancells the given job if it is still in prepared state.
 UUID ProcessingService.cloneAndStartJob(UUID originalJobId)
          Clones the given job and starts the clone.
 SourceIdentifier SourceService.createSource(URI remoteSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Creates a new remote source with the given values.
 SourceIdentifier SourceService.createTemporarySource(URI internalSourceURI, Date lastModified, String contentTag, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Creates a new internal temporary source with the given values.
 void ProcessingService.enforceStartJob(UUID jobId)
          Starts a prepared processing job after preparation was finished.
 UUID PublicAuthenticationService.getApiKey(Set<String> requiredRoles)
          Returns the current API key that allows login and session less access to protected services that fall under the roles that were specified with the call, or 'null' if no API key is available that satisfies this requirement.
 void ProcessingService.setJobPriority(UUID jobId, int jobPriority)
          Sets the priority of a prepared job.
 void ProcessingService.startJob(UUID jobId)
          Starts a prepared processing job after preparation was finished.
 UUID ProcessingService.startReprocessingJob(FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, boolean assignAllExistingSources, int jobPriority)
          Initiates a reprocessing job on the given file and returns the job GUID for monitoring the progress.
 UUID ProcessingService.startReprocessingJobWithSources(FileIdentifier contentIdentifier, Collection<SourceIdentifier> selectedSourceIdentifiers, int jobPriority)
          Initiates a reprocessing job on the given file and returns the job GUID for monitoring the progress.
 void ProcessingService.updateJob(Job job)
          Updates the given job inside the persistent store (= the database)
 void SourceService.updateSource(SourceInformation sourceInformation, com.trendmicro.grid.acl.metadata.Metadata metadata)
          Updates the source with the given Metadata without requiring to trigger a process.