1   package com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0;
3   import com.trendmicro.grid.acl.PublicRequestContext;
4   import com.trendmicro.grid.acl.RequiredRoles;
5   import com.trendmicro.grid.acl.Service;
6   import com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0.datatypes.*;
8   import javax.jws.WebMethod;
9   import javax.jws.WebParam;
10  import javax.jws.WebResult;
11  import javax.jws.WebService;
12  import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
13  import javax.xml.ws.ResponseWrapper;
14  import java.util.Collection;
16  import static com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0.KnownRoles.*;
18  /**
19   * Defines public reachable services to query file details.
20   *
21   * @author Juergen_Kellerer, 2010-04-23
22   * @version 1.0
23   */
24  @PublicRequestContext
25  @WebServlet("/ws/level-0/files")
26  @WebService(targetNamespace = Level0Constants.NAMESPACE)
27  public interface PublicFileService extends Service {
29  	/**
30  	 * Returns true if the GRID database knows (contains) the given file.
31  	 * <p/>
32  	 * Note: Calling this method doesn't make a guarantee whether the file content is stored
33  	 * inside the GRID, it only checks whether the database knows details on the file.
34  	 *
35  	 * @param file the file to check.
36  	 * @return true if the GRID database contains the file and the file is not labelled as 'unknown',
37  	 *         false otherwise.
38  	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
39  	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
40  	 */
41  	@WebMethod
42  	@WebResult(name = "fileKnown")
43  	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
44  	boolean isFileKnown(
45  			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file) throws AuthenticationException;
47  	/**
48  	 * Implements a batch query for {@link #isFileKnown(FileIdentifier)}.
49  	 *
50  	 * @param files the files to check.
51  	 * @return a collection that contains the results of the requested files.
52  	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
53  	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
54  	 */
55  	@WebMethod
56  	@WebResult(name = "fileKnown")
57  	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
58  	Collection<Boolean> isFilesKnown(
59  			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files) throws AuthenticationException;
61  	/**
62  	 * Returns 'Yes' if the GRID database knows that the file is good.
63  	 *
64  	 * @param file the file to check.
65  	 * @return 'Yes' if the GRID database contains the file and the file is tagged as 'clean',
66  	 *         'No' if the file is not 'clean', 'NotKnown' if the file is not contained in the GRID database.
67  	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
68  	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
69  	 */
70  	@WebMethod
71  	@WebResult(name = "fileKnownGood")
72  	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
73  	IsTrueResult isFileKnownGood(
74  			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file) throws AuthenticationException;
76  	/**
77  	 * Implements a batch query for {@link #isFileKnownGood(FileIdentifier)}.
78  	 *
79  	 * @param files the files to check.
80  	 * @return a collection that contains the results of the requested files.
81  	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
82  	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
83  	 */
84  	@WebMethod
85  	@WebResult(name = "fileKnownGood")
86  	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
87  	Collection<IsTrueResult> isFilesKnownGood(
88  			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files) throws AuthenticationException;
90  	/**
91  	 * Returns 'Yes' if the GRID database knows that the file is good and not included in the high risk category.
92  	 *
93  	 * @param file the file to check.
94  	 * @return 'Yes' if the GRID database contains the file and the file is tagged as 'clean' and not 'key_loggers'
95  	 *         and not 'password_crackers' and not 'proxy_anonymizers',
96  	 *         'No' if the file is not 'clean' or 'key_loggers' or 'password_crackers' or 'proxy_anonymizers',
97  	 *         'NotKnown' if the file is not contained in the GRID database.
98  	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
99  	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
100 	 */
101 	@WebMethod
102 	@WebResult(name = "filePureWhite")
103 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
104 	IsTrueResult isFilePureWhite(
105 			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file) throws AuthenticationException;
107 	/**
108 	 * Implements a batch query for {@link #isFilePureWhite(FileIdentifier)}.
109 	 *
110 	 * @param files the files to check.
111 	 * @return a collection that contains the results of the requested files.
112 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
113 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
114 	 */
115 	@WebMethod
116 	@WebResult(name = "filePureWhite")
117 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
118 	Collection<IsTrueResult> isFilesPureWhite(
119 			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files) throws AuthenticationException;
121 	/**
122 	 * Returns true if the given file is tagged with the specified tags.
123 	 * <p/>
124 	 * Example: Check whether a file is known and good:<code><pre>
125 	 * FileIdentifier id = new FileIdentifier(sha1Hash);
126 	 * Boolean isClean = publicFileService.isFileTaggedWith(id, "clean");
127 	 * if (isClean == null) {
128 	 *    // file is unknown
129 	 * } else if (isClean) {
130 	 *    // file is known bood
131 	 * } else {
132 	 *    // file is known bad
133 	 * }
134 	 * </pre></code>
135 	 *
136 	 * @param file The file to verify.
137 	 * @param tags The tags to check against.
138 	 * @return True if the tags apply to the file, false if not, 'null' if the file is unknown.
139 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
140 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
141 	 * @deprecated Please use {@link #isFileTaggedWithAll(FileIdentifier, String[])} instead.
142 	 */
143 	@Deprecated
144 	@WebMethod
145 	@WebResult(name = "result")
146 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
147 	Boolean isFileTaggedWith(
148 			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file,
149 			@WebParam(name = "tag") String[] tags) throws AuthenticationException;
151 	/**
152 	 * Returns true if the given files are tagged with the specified tags.
153 	 * <p/>
154 	 * Implements a batch query for {@link #isFileTaggedWith(FileIdentifier, String[])}.
155 	 * <p/>
156 	 * <b>Important Note:</b> This method returned incorrect data when 'null' values were contained in the result.
157 	 * 'Null' values are swallowed by the XML serialization framework, because it considers the booleans
158 	 * as primitive types. Therefore starting from GACL 1.2, this method substitutes 'null' with 'false'.
159 	 * Use {@link #isFilesTaggedWithAll(BatchCollection, String[])} instead, to get a 3-way result.
160 	 *
161 	 * @param files The files to verify.
162 	 * @param tags  The tags to check against.
163 	 * @return True if the tags apply to the files, false if not.
164 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
165 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
166 	 * @deprecated Please use {@link #isFilesTaggedWithAll(BatchCollection, String[])} instead.
167 	 */
168 	@Deprecated
169 	@WebMethod
170 	@WebResult(name = "result")
171 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
172 	Collection<Boolean> isFilesTaggedWith(
173 			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files,
174 			@WebParam(name = "tag") String[] tags) throws AuthenticationException;
176 	/**
177 	 * Returns 'Yes' if the given file is tagged with the specified tags.
178 	 * <p/>
179 	 * Example: Check whether a file is known and good:<code><pre>
180 	 * FileIdentifier id = new FileIdentifier(sha1Hash);
181 	 * switch(publicFileService.isFileTaggedWithAll(id, "clean")) {
182 	 *    case Yes:        // file is known good
183 	 *       break;
184 	 *    case No:         // file is known bad
185 	 *       break;
186 	 *    case NotKnown:   // file is unknown
187 	 *       break;
188 	 * }
189 	 * </pre></code>
190 	 * <p/>
191 	 * When querying multiple files, {@link #isFilesTaggedWithAll(BatchCollection, String[])}, may be more efficient.
192 	 * <p/>
193 	 * Note: This method is a replacement for {@link #isFileTaggedWith(FileIdentifier, String[])} as a 3-way boolean
194 	 * is not obvious and not supported in all programming languages.
195 	 *
196 	 * @param file The file to verify.
197 	 * @param tags The tags to check against.
198 	 * @return True if the tags apply to the file, false if not, 'null' if the file is unknown.
199 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
200 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
201 	 */
202 	@WebMethod
203 	@WebResult(name = "result")
204 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
205 	IsTrueResult isFileTaggedWithAll(
206 			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file,
207 			@WebParam(name = "tag") String[] tags) throws AuthenticationException;
209 	/**
210 	 * Returns 'Yes' if the given files are tagged with the specified tags.
211 	 * <p/>
212 	 * Implements a batch query for {@link #isFileTaggedWithAll(FileIdentifier, String[])}.
213 	 * <p/>
214 	 * Note: This method is a replacement for {@link #isFilesTaggedWith(BatchCollection, String[])} as a 3-way boolean
215 	 * is not obvious and not supported in all programming languages.
216 	 *
217 	 * @param files The files to verify.
218 	 * @param tags  The tags to check against.
219 	 * @return a collection that contains the results of the requested files.
220 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
221 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
222 	 */
223 	@WebMethod
224 	@WebResult(name = "result")
225 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
226 	Collection<IsTrueResult> isFilesTaggedWithAll(
227 			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files,
228 			@WebParam(name = "tag") String[] tags) throws AuthenticationException;
230 	/**
231 	 * Returns all known files that are tagged with the given list of tags.
232 	 *
233 	 * @param tags       The tags to get the files for.
234 	 * @param pageNumber The number of the list page to return, starting from 0 for the first chunk.
235 	 * @return A chunk of file identifiers for the files tagged with the given tags or
236 	 *         'null' if no chunk exists under the given number.
237 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
238 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
239 	 */
240 	@WebMethod
241 	@WebResult(name = "fileId")
243 	FileIdentiferListPage getFilesTaggedWith(
244 			@WebParam(name = "tag") String[] tags,
245 			@WebParam(name = "pageNumber") int pageNumber) throws AuthenticationException;
247 	/**
248 	 * Returns all known files that are matched by the given tag expression.
249 	 * <p/>
250 	 * <b>Tag Query Grammar</b><br/>
251 	 * A common tag query uses a simple search grammar also common for most search engines:
252 	 * <ul>
253 	 * <li>Tags are delimited by whitespaces</li>
254 	 * <li>Adding "-" in front of a tag negates the search (the tag must not be included in results)</li>
255 	 * <li>Groups can be built by adding braces around tags. Multiple groups are combined with OR
256 	 * (the same as if multiple individual queries would be combined).</li>
257 	 * <li>Tags in one group are combined with AND (all have to be included (or excluded when prefixed with "-"))</li>
258 	 * </ul>
259 	 * The example query: {@code (mustBeInGroup1 -mustNotBeInGroup1) (mustBeInGroup2 -mustNotBeInGroup2 mustBe2InGroup2)}
260 	 * selects all files that were tagged with "mustBeInGroup1" but not with "mustNotBeInGroup1" and files that were
261 	 * tagged with "mustBeInGroup2" and "mustBe2InGroup2" but not "mustNotBeInGroup2".
262 	 *
263 	 * @param tagExpression        An expression following the tag query grammar used to identify files.
264 	 * @param tagExpressionVersion The version of the expression (the most recent version is assumed if omitted).
265 	 * @param pageNumber           The number of the list page to return, starting from 0 for the first chunk.
266 	 * @return A chunk of file identifiers for the files, matching the given expression or
267 	 *         'null' if no chunk exists under the given number.
268 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
269 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
270 	 */
271 	@WebMethod
272 	@WebResult(name = "fileId")
274 	FileIdentiferListPage getMatchingFiles(
275 			@WebParam(name = "tagQueryExpression") String tagExpression,
276 			@WebParam(name = "tagQueryExpressionVersion") String tagExpressionVersion,
277 			@WebParam(name = "pageNumber") int pageNumber) throws AuthenticationException;
279 	/**
280 	 * Returns all known files that are matched by the given tag expression and are in the given range.
281 	 *
282 	 * @param tagExpression        An expression following the tag query grammar used to identify files.
283 	 * @param tagExpressionVersion The version of the expression (the most recent version is assumed if omitted).
284 	 * @param range                The range limiting the output.
285 	 * @param pageNumber           The number of the list page to return, starting from 0 for the first chunk.
286 	 * @return A chunk of file identifiers for the files, matching the given expression or
287 	 *         'null' if no chunk exists under the given number.
288 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
289 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
290 	 */
291 	@WebMethod
292 	@WebResult(name = "fileId")
294 	FileIdentiferListPage getMatchingFilesInRange(
295 			@WebParam(name = "tagQueryExpression") String tagExpression,
296 			@WebParam(name = "tagQueryExpressionVersion") String tagExpressionVersion,
297 			@WebParam(name = "range") Range range,
298 			@WebParam(name = "pageNumber") int pageNumber) throws AuthenticationException;
300 	/**
301 	 * Returns the file information for the given file.
302 	 *
303 	 * @param file The file to return the information for.
304 	 * @return the file information for the given file or 'null' if the file is unknown.
305 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
306 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
307 	 */
308 	@WebMethod
309 	@WebResult(name = "information")
310 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
311 	FileInformation getFileInformation(
312 			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file) throws AuthenticationException;
314 	/**
315 	 * Returns the file information list for the given files.
316 	 *
317 	 * @param files The files to return the information list for.
318 	 * @return the file information list for the given file. The list may contain 'null'
319 	 *         entries if the corresponding file was unknown.
320 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
321 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
322 	 */
323 	@WebMethod
324 	@WebResult(name = "information")
325 	@ResponseWrapper( // Adding a custom response wrapper to support 'null' values inside the returned collection.
326 			className = "com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0.wrappers.GetFileInformationListResponse")
327 	@RequiredRoles(ROLE_RUN_HASH_QUERIES)
328 	Collection<FileInformation> getFileInformationList(
329 			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files) throws AuthenticationException;
331 	/**
332 	 * Returns the file details for the given file.
333 	 *
334 	 * @param file The file to return the details for.
335 	 * @return the file details for the given file or 'null' if the file is unknown.
336 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
337 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
338 	 */
339 	@WebMethod
340 	@WebResult(name = "details")
342 	FileDetails getFileDetails(
343 			@WebParam(name = "file") FileIdentifier file) throws AuthenticationException;
345 	/**
346 	 * Returns the file details list for the given files.
347 	 *
348 	 * @param files The files to return the details list for.
349 	 * @return the file details list for the given file. The list may contain 'null'
350 	 *         entries if the corresponding file was unknown.
351 	 * @throws AuthenticationException In case of this service requires authentication and the current user session
352 	 *                                 is not authenticated or doesn't have the right to access the service.
353 	 */
354 	@WebMethod
355 	@WebResult(name = "details")
356 	@ResponseWrapper( // Adding a custom response wrapper to support 'null' values inside the returned collection.
357 			className = "com.trendmicro.grid.acl.l0.wrappers.GetFileDetailsListResponse")
359 	Collection<FileDetails> getFileDetailsList(
360 			@WebParam(name = "file") BatchCollection<FileIdentifier> files) throws AuthenticationException;
361 }