The generator for symmetric test data is a utility that can be used to create a large amount of data out of a small input profile by assuming that all vendors produce the same products and all products look the same.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use this inside your staging area, test system or local ACL instance only.
Never use '' or '' as hostname (-a)
Note: The data generator does currently not create any jobs or send any file content. It purely fills the database. SHA1 hashes are set to random values.
When the data generator is executed multiple times, the total amount of data will not increase as long as the same profile is used. However the generator will cause history entries to be created as it will trigger updates to the packages it created in the previous run.
The built-in profile can be dumped to a file and modified in order to change the data that is generated. Around 100000 entries are created inside the CoreDB connected with the ACL when using the default profile as it can be seen below:
# #Mon Feb 10 01:24:20 PST 2014 packageFiles=app.exe readme.txt readme.doc lib1.dll lib2.dll lib3.dll lib4.dll packageVendors=trendmicro microsoft adobe oracle vmware apple google packageFolders=. help bin lib packageLocales=de en en_us ph tw packageBaseNames=viewer creator game office-suite ide tool virtualizer mediaplayer browser fileTags.dll=library clean detailedFileExtensions=.exe .dll fileTags.=clean fileTags.exe=executable clean packageTags=tag01 tag02 tag03 tag04 tag05 tag06 tag07 tag08 tag09 tag10 packageVersions=1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.0-R1 2.1 2.0.0-Beta 5.0 5.1 5.5 2010
The amount of generate data increases exponentially when versions, locales, vendors, etc. are added.
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar DateGenerator -h
GRID Symmetric Data Generator - Version 1.0 Generates profile based data, using a symmetric algorithm to build the hierachy. Uses the processing result services offered by the GRID Access Layer (GACL) to store processing results. Options: -h, --help, /? Prints help. -d, --dump Dumps the built-in profile to the specified file, allowing its customization. --dump-datasets Dumps the generated datasets to the specified ZIP file, allowing its their re-usage in inside the request-autotester. -p, --profile Use the specified profile instead of the built-in. -b, --batch Specifies the batch size used for sending packages. Default: '5' -v, --verbose Be verbose -a, --address Specifies the address of the ACL instance. Valid values are 'hostname' or 'hostname:port' Default: 'localhost:8080' --ssl Use SSL. -u, --username Sets the username to use for authentication. Default: '' -p, --password Sets the password to use for authentication. Default: ''
Source Code of the Client: