The file query client is a multi-threaded, file oriented client that uses SOAP methods getMatchingFiles(...) and getMatchingFilesInRange(...) in order to retrieve a list of files, matching a tag query.
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar FileQuery -h java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar FileQuery \ -a gaclhost:8080 -q "clean"
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar FileQuery \ -a gaclhost:8080 -q "-clean" \ --from 2010-01-25 --to 2010-02-28 --range-type LAST_PROCESSED
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar FileQuery -h
GRID File Query - Version 1.0 Queries a list of files that match the specified tag query and are included inside an optional time range. Optionally transfers the files and meta information to a dedicated target folder. Options: -h, --help, /? Prints help. -q, --query Defines the tag query to use for identifying the files. Tag queries are of the format: "tag01 tag01 -excludedTag01 -excludedTag02" "(g1tag -g1extag) (g2tag -g2extag)" -f, --from Defines an optional 'from' date using YYYY-MM-DD. -t, --to Defines an optional 'to' date using YYYY-MM-DD. --range-type Defines how to apply dates, can be one of: 'FIRST_SEEN', 'LAST_RETRIEVED' or 'LAST_PROCESSED' Default: 'FIRST_SEEN' -c, --copyto Copies the file content into the specified target folder. --dump-hashes-to Creates a hash list of all matched files and writes it to the given text file. -e, --extension Append the specified extension to copied files. -d, --depth Defines the depth of the folder hierachy in the output directory (0 forces a flat hierachy). Default: '6' -n, Copy with original filenames (if available in the file --original-names details). --dump-details Dumps the file details along with the content. When enabled, details are stored inside a file called like the content file but extended with '.xml' and located in the same folder. -v, --verbose Be verbose. -a, --address Specifies the address of the ACL instance. Valid values are 'hostname' or 'hostname:port' Default: 'localhost:8080' --ssl Use SSL. -u, --username Sets the username to use for authentication. Default: '' -p, --password Sets the password to use for authentication. Default: ''
Source Code of the Client: