The reprocess initiator client is a multi-threaded, package oriented client that uses SOAP methods getMatchingPackages(...) and getMatchingPackagesInRange(...) in conjunction with source and processing related methods to show how reprocessing can be triggered using the interfaces provided by the access layer.
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar -h java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar ReprocessInitiator \ -a gaclhost:8080 -q "clean" --list
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar ReprocessInitiator \ -a gaclhost:8080 -q "-clean" --list\ --from 2010-01-25 --to 2010-02-28 --range-type FIRST_SEEN
java -cp gacl-client-1.2.4-RC.jar ReprocessInitiator -h
GRID Reprocess Initiator - Version 1.0 Selects a list of packages match the specified tag query and optional time range and forces their reprocessing using the source & processing SOAP API. Options: -h, --help, Prints help. /? -q, --query Defines the tag query to use for identifying the packages. Tag queries are of the format: "tag01 tag01 -excludedTag01 -excludedTag02" "(g1tag -g1extag) (g2tag -g2extag)" --prefix Defines an optional 'prefix' that must appear in the package name . -f, --from Defines an optional 'from' date using YYYY-MM-DD. -t, --to Defines an optional 'to' date using YYYY-MM-DD. --range-type Defines how to apply dates, can be one of: 'FIRST_SEEN', 'LAST_RETRIEVED' or 'LAST_PROCESSED' Default: 'FIRST_SEEN' -l, --list List package names only, DO NOT start reprocessing. -a, --address Specifies the address of the ACL instance. Valid values are 'hostname' or 'hostname:port' Default: 'localhost:8080' --ssl Use SSL. -u, Sets the username to use for authentication. --username Default: '' -p, Sets the password to use for authentication. --password Default: ''
Source Code of the Client: